What is a Booking.com receipt?
A Booking.com receipt or Booking.com invoice is a summary of the commission fees you owe Booking.com for all of the completed reservations that the OTA has facilitated over the course of a month. Booking.com hotel receipts are generated in the first week of the following month.
A Booking.com invoice turns into a Booking.com payment receipt as soon as the outstanding amount is paid.It’s important to note that Booking.com only issues invoices and receipts to Partners, not guests. It’s up to you, the property, to supply guests with invoices and receipts for their stay. This is because Booking.com simply facilitates bookings, rather than reselling rooms, even when the guest payment was handled by Booking.com.
Gain more control over your OTA accounts with Little Hotelier
Little Hotelier features deep OTA integration, to help you, your accountant or bookkeeper reduce errors and manual tasks, and enjoy more control over your Booking.com partnership.
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Why do hotels need a Booking.com invoice?
On a base level, you need Booking.com invoices to ensure that you’re paying the OTA what you owe for the service it provides. The status of your Booking.com receipt/invoice can be any one of the following:
- Outstanding: The invoice isn’t paid, and is due by a certain date.
- Overdue: The invoice hasn’t been paid on time (potentially leading to an account suspension).
- Paid: The invoice has been paid in full.
- Part-paid: You’ve paid $X of the total – this can occur if you don’t pay the correct amount, or if an account credit has been applied. The invoice must be paid in full by the due date.
- Written off: If you fail to pay overdue invoices your property will eventually be banned from Booking.com until they are paid.
You can pay your Booking.com invoices by direct debit, bank transfer or via a payment service provider (PSP) on the Booking.com Extranet.
But the deeper reason for needing a Booking.com invoice is that these documents act as a running record of the reservations you’ve earned and the commission fees you owe the OTA. This information can help you to understand how much of your reservation revenue is going to fees, and to analyse whether your partnership with Booking.com (and other OTAs) is worthwhile.
Your Booking.com invoices could reveal a need to focus more on attracting commission-free direct bookings and payments to increase your revenue and profit.
Is there VAT on the Booking.com receipt?
Is there VAT on booking.com invoices? Yes, receipts from Booking.com will typically include VAT, although this will depend on your local tax laws – if businesses are required to charge VAT, GST or some other form of sales tax in your country or region, the Booking.com invoice will include that charge.
Where applicable, the Booking.com receipt template will clearly show VAT as a line item. In some regions VAT is charged under a separate invoice.

How to get a receipt from Booking.com
How do I get an invoice from Booking.com? The process is simple:
Step 1: Check your email
As soon as your monthly invoice is generated, it is sent to the email address associated with your Booking.com profile. If you’re not sure what email you’ve used, you can find it in the ‘Account settings’ section of the Booking.com Extranet.
Step 2: Log in to the Booking.com Extranet
Haven’t seen an email come through with your latest invoice? Looking for an old invoice? All of your invoices and receipts can be found in the Booking.com Extranet, so start by logging in here.
Step 3: Navigate to your invoices
Your Booking.com receipts and invoices will be found in the ‘Finance’ section of your Extranet dashboard, under the ‘Invoices’ tab.
Step 4: View and download
Under the ‘Invoices’ tab you’ll find a complete list of your invoices and receipts, including information on invoice amounts, due dates, and payment statuses. Invoices can be sorted and filtered by date, and you can download PDFs and view statements: itemised Booking.com expense receipts that detail individual reservations.
Tips when handling Booking.com receipts
Consolidate multiple invoices
If you’ve listed multiple properties on Booking.com, you can create a group contract which consolidates all of your invoices on a single statement so you can pay them all at once.
Carefully review your statement
According to Booking.com’s terms and conditions, “It’s the partner’s responsibility to review each reservation within 48 hours of a guest’s check-out to make sure the property is invoiced the right amount.” This means that you’ll need to mark any reservation changes, like cancellations and no-shows, in Booking.com’s Extranet within 48 hours of check-out for it to be reflected in the commission fee invoice.
When you receive your monthly statement, you should review it carefully to ensure that every reservation is legitimate.
Dispute your invoice
If you feel as though you’ve been incorrectly charged, you can dispute your invoice through the Extranet by clicking on the ‘Reservation statements’ tab in the ‘Finance’ section. Find the relevant reservation, then click ‘Dispute commission’ to submit a dispute.
By Dean Elphick
Dean is the Senior Content Marketing Specialist of Little Hotelier, the all-in-one software solution purpose-built to make the lives of small accommodation providers easier. Dean has made writing and creating content his passion for the entirety of his professional life, which includes more than six years at Little Hotelier. Through content, Dean aims to provide education, inspiration, assistance, and, ultimately, value for small accommodation businesses looking to improve the way they run their operations (and live their life).
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