Up and running since May 2023, Ultima Guest House is one of the most recommended accommodations for travellers who need to take a breather in Bandung, Indonesia.
Ultima Guest House is the perfect place to stay for tourists who want to travel while staying on-budget.
Located in Kiaracondong, this 15-room hotel provides air-conditioned rooms, Wi-Fi, as well as several other supporting facilities such as a flat-screen TV and free private parking.

Booking blunders due to manual work
In the first few months after opening, Ultima Guest House used an application to help with daily operations. However, this application still mostly relied on manual processes.
“If there is a booking from an OTA (online travel agent), we have to input them manually. It was chaotic at that time,” complained Dylan Ahmad Fauzi, Property Manager of Ultima Guest House.
The chaos in managing the flow of bookings coincided with Eid al-Fitr in 2023, when the enthusiasm for going on holiday to Bandung was at its peak.
“We were struggling with reservations at that time until several double bookings happened, which led to our guests being disappointed,” Dylan explained. “This could have been avoided.”
It didn’t stop there, Ultima Guest Hotel also encountered an OTA allotment issue. With limited rooms, the accommodation only opened two rooms each allocated to five different OTAs.
“It wasn’t optimal because at that time many of our guests booked only from one OTA, while our rooms at other OTAs were just idle,” he continued.
On the other hand, the staff had difficulty navigating the applications they heavily relied on at that time.
“At that time, our staff was still not familiar with the applications and programs for the OTAs, such as how to open and close allotments,” Dylan said. “So at that time I was on my own, I did everything myself.”

Easy flow, increased bookings, with Little Hotelier
Needing a better way of operating, the team decided to invest in Little Hotelier’s all-in-one property management software. By using the channel manager and property management system (PMS) features in particular, Ultima Guest House succeeded in overcoming their frequent problems.
Thanks to Little Hotelier’s PMS, Dylan and his staff can effortlessly manage daily tasks, reduce double bookings, and increase work efficiency.
“Since using Little Hotelier I can say there has been a 50% increase in the number of bookings compared to before,” Dylan said. “It heavily improved after we used Little Hotelier.”
The OTA allotment issues have also come to light since Ultima Guest Hotel depends on Little Hotelier.
“Our room and rate management is easy nowadays. We open and close [rooms] through Little Hotelier, so it’s not difficult to review inventory and performance on the OTAs” he said.
Moreover, the flow of reservations at Ultima Guest House is no longer hampered by manual work which more often than not is full of human error.
“Now our reservations are no longer manual like [when using] the previous application. With Little Hotelier, if a reservation comes in from one of our OTAs, it will automatically be recorded in the PMS and our front office just needs to execute it,” Dylan explained. “It’s more efficient, the flow is better.”
Dylan continued that he no longer needs to do everything himself because now Little Hotelier is encouraging efficiency in opening and closing allotments through one door, while also handling reservation automatically via PMS.
Little Hotelier is thrilled to be a part of Ultima Guest House’s success!
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