As part of your first call with Little Hotelier, you should have received our reservation template in order to help expedite the reservation import process. By using this Template to Tool guide, you will save time and effort while importing your future reservations so that you can activate your Little Hotelier account sooner.

All you need to do is simply update your reservation details on your provided template and access the Add Multiple Reservation tool within your Front Desk to begin.

Template to Tool Guide video

Getting Started with Reservations video

Once your product is ready for the next step, our intuitive Add Multiple Reservations tool, allows you to simply copy and paste the majority of your reservation details from your reservation template into Little Hotelier in bulk. Following this process will allow you to import reservations in an efficient and easy way. Please note, exact time will depend on the number of future reservations you have.

Check out this full end-to-end process on our walkthrough guide or the help centre article below to get started.

Multi-Reservation Help Article

Didn’t Receive a template?

No worries, we have you covered! Just follow these 2 easy steps in order to download your own copy of the Reservation Template.

  1. CLICK HERE to download your copy of the reservation template.
  2. Open the download and fill out future reservation details, referring to the resources above for help.