Wifi is one of the most important features and amenities that you can offer at your B&B. If you don’t have wifi available to your guests, then you are likely missing out on a significant amount of bookings.

Here’s a few wifi myths that some B&B owners may believe, but need dispelling:

Guests will be satisfied with mediocre wifi connections

Today’s travelers are becoming more reliant on their mobile devices, all of which need high-speed Wi-Fi to operate effectively. Guests will quickly become frustrated and annoyed if they are not able to check their e-mail, use their GPS, scroll their social media feeds or use your mobile app because your wifi connection is too slow. You need to invest in fast, powerful wifi that will support all of your guests at any given time.

It’s too expensive to invest in fast wifi for your guests

You wouldn’t consider leaving your guests without toiletries for their rooms, and those cost a lot more than fast wifi. In fact, offering your guests in-room wifi with a powerful connection sometimes costs as low as 25 cents per day. It’s worth it to invest in premium B&B wifi, as this will improve the overall guest experience at your property.

Guests are willing to pay extra for better wifi during their stay

Many guests feel that they are already paying enough to stay at your property, and high-speed wifi should be part of the package deal. They may feel annoyed that they have to give up more money simply to be able to use the mobile room service ordering that you boasted about on your website. An increasing number of travelers expect there to be wifi and are taken aback when they need to pay more to get it.

You can manage your own wifi connection

B&B wifi is not the ideal DIY project. Instead of trying to manage your own connection and provide your guests with the service they expect, trust the professionals to get the job done for you. It will save you time and money in the long-term, and also will provide your guests with a better technological experience during their stay.

You’ll be able to rely on your current wifi infrastructure for years

While your current technology infrastructure may work great, it’s important to remember that there’s always new devices coming out that will drain the power of your wifi. You need to frequently evaluate your B&B wifi technology and be sure that you are updating your technology infrastructure on a regular basis. This prevents you from using dated technology that ultimately becomes obsolete in a matter of years. A proactive approach allows you to enjoy cost-savings while providing your guests with the experience they deserve.

Wifi is one of the most important technology features that you need to have at your B&B, but it’s not the only type of technology you need to invest in. You also need to have an online booking system available that caters specifically to the needs of B&B owners and operators.

By Dean Elphick

Dean is the Senior Content Marketing Specialist of Little Hotelier, the all-in-one software solution purpose-built to make the lives of small accommodation providers easier. Dean has made writing and creating content his passion for the entirety of his professional life, which includes more than six years at Little Hotelier. Through content, Dean aims to provide education, inspiration, assistance, and, ultimately, value for small accommodation businesses looking to improve the way they run their operations (and live their life).